Club Message Boards

Moderator: SAC Committee

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SAC Committee
Posts: 7
Joined: Wed Jun 12, 2013 7:55 am

Club Message Boards

Post by SAC Committee » Wed Jun 12, 2013 8:44 am

Dear Astronomers,

As you may or may not know,
it has been an ongoing struggle to both maintain & secure these boards.
We recently suffered a hacking attempt which caused the boards to go offline for some time.
We were lucky to have backups in place and thankfully little was lost.

A few years ago we decided to open these boards up to the general public
and encouraged people with an interest in astronomy to post here.
For the most part it was successful and some people eventually joined the club.
The issue was though for every one genuine sign-up,
we had to sift through literally hundreds of spam requests.
These boards are out of date as are the security tools.
Currently there is no plan to update as this would and will require ongoing time and effort the club cannot sustain.

Therefore it was decided at a recent committee meeting that for security & simplicity reasons,
the SAC Messageboards needed to revert back to being for the express use of members.

Currently registered non club members accounts will not be deleted but,
access to sign-in and post on the boards will be removed.
The boards will still be viewable by the general public.

Thank you for your understanding.
Clear skies.

The Shannonside Astronomy Club Committee
