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Observin Session Friday 20th March - The Burren

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 8:04 am
by Frank Ryan
Well lads what can I say?
The hospitality and friendliness of the Daverons is very uplifting!

The viability of the site although almost perfect was in jeopardy due to
the local houses security lighting.

I decided to invite Sean Daveron and his family down to the site
to join us last night and although he was away his wife and son dropped over.
(well you get nowhere if you don't open your mouth right! :lol: )
It was great to meet them and explain about what we do.
It was also very encouraging that they are so helpful by letting us use
the Ring Fort carpark for the starparty!!

I think they got some nice views and the ISS passing was perfect timing.
It is unbelievable the difference turning off those lights make!
Brid had a good grasp of the constellation and I'm sure thats something
to do with the fact that it is very dark up there the locals would
see the stars a lot more.

She seemed impressed that the starparty is now to be a 'public'
thing and to be tailored for the general person & schools rather than the dedicated astronomer.
I really do feel we made the right decision in making this starparty
FOR the people and for the club members.

Aside from that good news,
the night began dodgy enough but got steadly better.
The views through Daves 20'' were amazing as ever
(I'll let Mr. Observing Director do a list if he wishes :lol: )

The new club 10'' is a fab scope and a great investment for us.
We now have a fine arsenal of equipment for the members and
for the public observing sessions.

Roll on some clear skies!!!

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 10:51 am
by Dave Lillis
Well, what a night.
It started off very bad, lots of cloud, but the cloud cleared and the stars came out, it remained hazy, but the seeing was exceptionally good.
The views of Saturn was stunning, the rings/disk/cassini division were all there, we were able to use 500x on it and it was almost free of any shimmer.
We also tried M51, M35 to name a few, bu with all the haze , Saturn stole the show.
Anyway, its was great timing that the Daverons saw the ISS and were so aggreable to turning off their light.
To be to the point, if that light could not be off then we'd in all honestly be returning to Boher for observing as any haze at all and that light completely destroys the sky there. So thats an amazing stroke of fortune.
Roll on some good haze free clear skies. ! :)