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Cosmology - Astrophysics:

Bang !, The Complete History of the Universe
Brian May, Patrick Moore, Chris Lintott, the title says it all, its a step by step guide through the times and tribulations of the universe, from beginning to end.

Alpha and Omega
Charles Seife, Discusses the start and end og the universe, discusses supersymetry, dark matter, gravity waves and all things cosmological.

AstroPhysics is Easy
Mike Ingles, talkes about the stars, planets and galaxies form a scientific/physics point of view, how to apply a little maths to them to work out important statistics, such as stellar classifications, black hole mass and so on.

Quasars, Redshifts and Controversies
Halton Arp, This astrophysicist is famous for bucking the trends regarding the redhsifts of galaxies and the nature of quasers. A fascinating read into how the  redshift-distance relationship, one of the the  fundemental theories of physics could be wrong with major implications.

Frozen Star
George Greenstein, discusses pulsars and shows insights into  astrophysists in the1960-1980s, theorises the composition of neuton stars and white dwarfs and the story of how pulsars were discovered, an interesting read even if the physics is a little outdated.